Are you interested in playing golf in Arran? With the selection of places to play golf in Arran, booking walking holidays in Scotland are always worthwhile.

If you are fan of golf Arran is the perfect place to visit!
On the Arran Coastal Way route there are many opportunities for you to take advantage of Arran’s golf courses and facilities.
Brodick Golf Club
The main town of Brodick is home to a golf course suitable for people of all abilities and ages. This course is perfect as it is just a short distance from the ferry, within the main town. So, whether you are taking a break from the route or on a relaxing holiday, this course is definitely worth a visit. Golfing with a sea view, could it get any better?
Shiskine Golf Club
Halfway through your journey, you will come across Blackwaterfoot. Home to the Shiskine Golf and Tennis Club, recently ranked among the top 100 in the UK. The 12 holed, unique course lets you experience the amazing views that the west coast of Arran has to offer. An environment for golf that you will fully appreciate and remember, you will not want to miss it.

Arran has perfect conditions and facilities for golfing.
Lochranza Golf Course
Stopping at the Isle of Arran Distillery? Across the road and well worth a visit is the family friendly Lochranza Golf Course. With a chance to see some island wildlife and incredible scenery, this challenging course offers a pitch and putt facility, great for children! If you are walking this route, the no booking benefit means you can pay them a visit on impulse. If you are looking for family friendly places to go, look at our last post about the fun historical places to visit on arran!
Whiting Bay Golf Club – The Best Golf in Arran
Upon the south east coast of Arran, with views towards the Ayrshire coast and Holy Isle, is the Whiting Bay Golf Club. The 18 hole course is popular with locals and has many facilities including a club house and golf shop. If you are stopping for a break a trip to the club house is ideal!
If you would like to find out more about this route, contact us.
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