The developing situation with COVID-19 and the impact the Coronavirus is having throughout the world is of real concern.  EasyWays would therefore like to update clients, both those who have already booked a walk for 2020 and those contemplating making a booking of our latest position.

All walking routes are being closely monitored and any bookings relevant to that route will be advised immediately should any restrictions or quarantine be introduced.

Similarly should enforced travel restrictions incur difficulties in the ability to commence your tour on your prescribed start date please contact EasyWays immediately in order to re-schedule without loss of deposit or administration charge.

Everyone in Scotland involved in the business of walking is aware of the need to work together through this difficult time in order to make 2020 as normal a year as possible.

This is a unique situation on a scale never faced by the industry before and I assure you EasyWays will work on your behalf to ensure your tour goes ahead as planned or at a revised date of your choosing.