It seems that every day we hear of new restrictions being introduced as a result of the escalating Coronavirus situation with subsequent consequences that affect us all.
The national news in all our countries is our source of the latest information on the virus and we are all subject to the rulings of the UK Foreign & Commonwealth Office (FCO), World Health Organisation (WHO) and ABTA.
EasyWays has walkers travelling to Scotland from all over the world in the coming months and it is almost inevitable that travel plans will be affected no matter the country of origin.
While hoping your tour will go ahead I fully appreciate you require information on where you stand in respect of a potential cancellation and therefore to further qualify the position the status of our 2020 bookings fall into the following two categories.
1 – those who have paid a deposit but not yet paid the balance of their booking
EasyWays advises that this category of booking remains at a retained deposit stage and in return the costs of a reschedule including the administrative work involved will be borne by the company.
2 – those who have paid in full, both deposit and balance
The retention of both deposit and balance against an agreed rescheduled tour date or, if for any reason this is not possible during the ongoing situation, a credit for the full amount held until an agreeable date is found.
Alternatively a reimburstment of tour cost subject to our Terms and Conditions Cancellation Policy as stated on the EasyWays website;
You should have arranged Travel Insurance on your tour and any cancellation caused by official notice by the UK or your own government (at any time) should allow you to make a valid claim for loss.
Our position is wholly sympathetic to finding a solution to all bookings and with your cooperation our priority is to establish a suitable reschedule date for any booking cancelled as this option carries the least financial implications on everyone. The walking season gathers momentum next month and so far we have had no issues with our accommodation providers.
EasyWays is a small, specialist company that is well run and financially sound. We will be faced with the same challenges as every other company over the forthcoming months both within and out-with the tourism industry. A large number of providers work together to make your walking tour a success and we ask for your understanding in these difficult times.
Normality will return at some point and I can 100% assure you the name of EasyWays will be around providing our well established quality of service in the years to come.