Walks in the north east are the perfect way to explore the area surrounding Hadrian’s Wall, which is rich in history and beautiful scenery!
views along walks in the north east to hadrian's wall

Where is Hadrian’s Wall?

Hadrian’s Wall is around 73 miles long and stretches from Newcastle on England’s East Coast through Carlisle on the West before ending in the small village of Bowness-on-Solway.

When Was the Wall Built?

It is believed that the construction of the wall began in 122AD, when Hadrian, the emperor of Rome, visited Britain. Supposedly Hadrian came to Britain to “put things right” and the first step was to construct a wall from one side of the land to the other.

Who Built the Wall and Why?

No one is entirely sure why the wall was constructed, but it is thought that Hadrian and the Romans built the wall to keep out the “barbarians” of the North. Hadrian’s wall was constructed by three legions of the army of Britain. Each of the legions consisted of around 5000 men who were also aided by some supplementary units to assist in the construction of the wall. The wall was constructed with the intention of preventing Northern armies and tribes marching into Roman territory and attempting to start a war. Although many historians are unsure that the Northern tribes actually posed a threat. Walks in the north east will let you discover the wall, built so many years ago!

Who Manned the Wall?

The army of Britain also manned Hadrian’s wall following its construction. The wall was mainly manned by auxiliaries rather than the legionaries. The auxiliaries were separated into regiments of around 500 – 1000 men who lived in forts built along the wall. The men were skilled in infantry and cavalry and were expected to work extremely hard over long periods of time. Walks in the north east are very worthwhile, especially to explore Hadrian’s Wall!

The Wall After Hadrian

Following the death of Hadrian, a new emperor was appointed – emperor Antoninus Pius. Antoninus Pius chose to move his frontier further north, not too far from Glasgow. This time the wall was built of turf, unlike Hadrian’s stone wall, however, the turf wall was quickly abandoned in favour of Hadrian’s Wall. A major war took place at the wall over 40 years after the death of Hadrian when the northern tribes fought and killed a general and his troops. This likely led to changes to keep the tribes out.
Over the centuries people stopped looking after the wall, and the wall began to crumble. Up until the 1700’s many people used the wall as a source of stone for building castles and houses in the surrounding areas. Fortunately, conservation laws came into place preventing people from removing stones from the wall. The new regulations have helped to preserve the wall and keep it at the standard it can be seen in today.

The Wall Today

Today the wall is a world heritage site and a popular tourist destination. With around 100,000 people visiting the wall each year, it is certainly a very popular site. There are a number of tourist attractions along Hadrian’s Wall, allowing visitors to learn all about the rich history of the wall. Walks in the north east, around this area, are very popular!

Embark Along Hadrian’s Wall – Walks in the North East

Hadrian’s Wall is surrounded by stunning scenery and wild landscapes, perfect for a walk in the north east. Hadrian’s Wall Path allows you to explore the ruins of the wall, as you make your way from one end of the wall to the other.
Interested in the other walks EasyWays has to offer? Look at our last post to see what there is to discover! Walking holidays in Scotland and England are always great.
If you are looking to embark on a walking trip filled with history and stunning views, then our Hadrian’s Wall Path is perfect for you. To find out more about EasyWays, get in touch today, we would love to hear from you.