Scottish hill walking is very popular this time of year! The Dava Way and the Moray Coastal Trail are routes with fantastic scenery! In a small highland town like Forres, there is so much to do. As this year is the year of History, Heritage and Archaeology why not take this chance and visit the Forres Falconer Museum?
Booking a Scottish hill walking holiday with EasyWays, you can expect a quality and organised service. Walking holidays in Scotland are always great, but with the extra help from our experienced team, you will have no walking holiday worries!

What is the Falconer Museum?


Falconer museum has a range of exhibitions, fossils to social history.

The museum was founded in 1871 in memory of Hugh Falconer, who was a famous Scottish geologist and botanist and had worked with Charles Darwin. The museum exhibits Falconer’s fossils and archives as well as narrating the history of Moray. From the natural history collection to the world heritage collection, the Falconer Museum has something for everyone to enjoy!

Where is it?

train at platform

Forres is so easy to reach by train from Aberdeen!

The Falconer Museum is located in the town of Forres. Forres is reachable by train or bus from Aberdeen, or by car. Perfect if you are walking the Dava Way, as the route ends up in Forres! A great way to spend time in the small town while learning more about the local history.
No matter which Scottish hill walking holiday route you choose, EasyWays are always on hand to help you!

“Thank you SO much for making this walk possible! Just so magnificent Nature to behold. Very grateful that you helped make it possible make this dream come true. And yes: big words, but words will not be able to describe my joy of having had the experience. So hope to be back next year!!”
Dorothy from Denmark, April 2015

What’s else is on in Forres?

people on a scottish hill walking holiday

Enjoy the spectacular surroundings of Moray.

Another interesting place to visit is the Logie Steading Visitor Centre. The stone farm includes a shopping village, heritage centre and lovely gardens! This summer the outdoor theatre is going to feature many performances perfect for winding down. Have you been on a Scottish hill walking holiday? This is an ideal place to relax during or after your trip.

What to look out for?

osprey in sky

Look out for the beautiful Ospreys in Moray!

In Forres, there is so much around it is good to know what to look out for. Animals including ospreys, capercaillies and red squirrels. If you walking the Moray Coastal Trail it is possible you may spot bottlenose dolphins, which can be seen along the North Sea coast. In and around this Scottish hill walking hotspot, you can expect to experience some completely new surroundings!
Also, are walking the Dava Way and looking for a place to take a break? look at our last post!

Scottish Hill Walking Holidays

Interested in a Scottish hill walking holiday? EasyWays can help you book a route around the UK or Europe, contact us today!