You may already be aware that it was announced last week the 2020 Edinburgh Festival and Tattoo is cancelled due to the present circumstances concerning the Coronavirus.
The decision, although a sad one, is completely understandable however the cancellation has created an abundance of hotel and guest house availability in the city throughout the month of August when normally this type of accommodation is at a premium.
Edinburgh is an additional option to many EasyWays’ treks however because of its location it can also function as a central point to access a number of excellent walking routes without the need of any baggage transfer.

Public transport services are well timed to allow day walks on the John Muir Way, St Cuthbert’s Way or the Fife Coastal Path, all fantastic walking experiences with an abundance of interesting sights on offer.

In addition, the city of Edinburgh has many tours and places of interest that could be incorporated into a great week of walking.
While appreciating the Coronavirus situation may extend into August and beyond, EasyWays is currently reviewing a variety of Edinburgh based options that we will make available whenever things return to normality.

More information to follow – keep a check on our website in the coming weeks.