The West Highland Way is a 96 mile long hike across the West of Scotland. It starts in Milngavie and the final steps of the journey are taken in the idyllic Fort William. West Highland Way walking holidays have become iconic and it is an experience not to be missed!
But what can you expect before that?

Day One
West Highland Way walking holidays start out on day one from the leafy suburbs of Milngavie and go on to trek through rolling farmlands, past the stunning Duntreath Castle and the Glengoyne Distillery is slightly off the West Highland Way path. You can possibly end your first day with a tour of the distillery!
Day Two
On day two of the West Highland Way, you’ll be walking towards Rowardennan with the potential for a quick boat trip over to the Loch Lomond Nature Reserve! The second day is fairly tough in terms of winding roads but you can pull through it with the knowledge that you’ll soon be looking at the beautiful Ben Lomond mountain!
west highland way walking holidays
Day Three
On day three, you’ll be heading for Inverarnan but 7 miles into the walk, you’ll find yourself at Inversnaid. Inversnaid is a small village with views of the Arrochar Alps! You can enjoy these views with lunch and a rest.
Day three ends in Ardlui. The walk to Ardlui isn’t an easy one and is considered one of the most difficult of the walk but you’re rewarded with gorgeous views of beautiful Scottish waters and hills.
Day Four
On day four, you’ll finally enter the Scottish Wilderness. This starts with the “Gateway to the Highlands” – Crainlarich Village which has been a popular resting spot for hikers for hundreds of years and we do advise you take a look around!
Day Five
Day five starts by crossing the Bridge of Orchy – the bridge itself goes across the River of Orchy which is one of the most challenging white water rafting spots in Scotland!
If you’re not one for white water rafting, though, there is still a lot to come.
Next on day five is Rannoch Moor. Rannoch more is truly out in the open and it’s vital that you prepare yourself to be battling the elements across this part of the route! There is a high chance, though, that you’ll see some of the most beautiful wildlife Scotland has to offer. Such as red squirrels, red deer and maybe even the Scottish Wildcat.
Day Six
On day six, you’ll tackle The Devil’s Staircase. The path got its name from the soldiers who were building roads for Field Marshal George Wade in the 18th Century, as it was so difficult to carry building materials up the stretch.
Devils aside, you’ll find yourself viewing resevoirs and Glen Coe mountain ranges.
Day Seven
Your last day will take your from Kinlochleven to Fort William. You will go through the stunning hillside before you descend into Glen Nevis. It boasts three of Scotland’s highest waterfalls, several impressive gorges, and views of the highest mountains in Britain – Ben Nevis included! Your final steps will give you time to soak it all in as you stroll alongside the River Ness before coming to Gordon Square in the centre of Fort William. It’s here that the journey ends.

West Highland Way Walking Holidays From EasyWays

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