We are delighted to introduce our new partner’s Girls on Hills who are helping us offer an entirely new experience along the West Highland Way.
Girls on Hills is a unique guided hill walking and trail running company, based in Glencoe, Scotland. Whether you are new to the mountains or seeking a new challenge, we can offer you wilderness and adventure in equal measure. We offer guided walking and running in addition to bespoke guided days, allowing you to create your own adventure in the Scottish Highlands. Our low ratios mean you receive focused coaching and learn mountain safety skills along the way, such as how to navigate in poor visibility using a map and compass.
We use experienced local guides who are summer Mountain Leader qualified or equivalent to take you to the top! We can’t guarantee the weather, but we can guarantee an adventure. Make sure to check out Girls on Hills on Facebook!
Interested in running the West Highland Way? Check out the route and the optional excursions with Girls on Hills!