Where are you spending your summer? Scotland is beautiful all year round, but the natural landscapes are made especially idyllic by the summer light! Make the most of your summer 2019 by visiting Scotland with a walking holiday with EasyWays, it’s the best time of year to book!
EasyWays are well into preparations for walking in the early summer months and so we thought we’d ready our walkers  by explaining why summer in Scotland is a worthwhile consideration.

Reasons to Enjoy Summer in Scotland – Tips from EasyWays

Highland Games

If you’re looking to experience Scottish culture, you must go to a Highland Games – these take place exclusively in summer! There are Highland Games taking place all over Scotland from May to September; most of which have stalls, highland dancing, piping and drumming competitions and famous events like the caber toss! With so many happening nearly throughout the summer, there’s no excuse not to attend a Highland Games event whilst visiting Scotland!

Events, Festivals and Seasonal Tours!

As mentioned in our last couple of posts the Scottish summer brings endless music, food and cultural festivals! With the famous Edinburgh Fringe Festival taking place in August.  The Capital is the busiest at this time of year when the largest Arts Festival in the World combines with Military Tattoo to create a wonderful atmosphere in the city. Local Tour Operators on the Islands and smaller tourist towns in the Highlands extend opening hours and operate seasonal trips to meet tourist demand ensuring something for everyone along your choice of walking route.
It’s no secret that Scottish weather is unpredictable! However, visiting Scotland in summer is the safest bet. Summer means pleasant temperatures, lovely light evenings and the perfect climate to enjoy outdoor adventures! From the West Highland Way to the Fife Coastal Path, the walking experts from EasyWays can create a tailor made walking package to fit in with your expectations of a truly Scottish experience.
Trust EasyWays to plan the ideal walking holiday for Summer 2019!