Featured Walker – Chris Bowness

Our latest featured walker is the wonderful Chris Bowness. Chris kindly took the time to tell us about his passion for walking and share some of his beautiful photography. How did you get into photography? My brother-in-law is a long time hobbyist photographer and he...

Featured Walker – Glen Campbell

Our latest walker of the month is the wonderful Glen Campbell of Lightstalkers Scotland and Lightstalker Adventures. Glen was kind enough to take the time to tell us about his love of walking and photography. How did you get into photography? I had always had a camera...

Featured Walkers – George Bisset

Our third featured walker is another outstanding photographer, George Bisset. George kindly took some time to tell us more about his passion for both photography and walking. What Got You Into Walking? I climbed my first Mountain when I was 16 and had just joined the...

Featured Walker – Kenny MacCormack

Welcome back to our featured walker series, today’s featured walker is the wonderful photographer Kenny MacCormack. Kenny is an avid photographer and walker, with some excellent photography and hiking tips to offer. Don’t forget to have a look at some of our...

Featured Walkers – Gary Gillies

At EasyWays, we love hearing from other walkers about their favourite walking experiences. Our new Featured Walkers series will introduce you to a range of walkers and give you an insight of what they love most about walking. Our first featured walker is the...