St Cuthbert’s Way FAQs

Are you thinking about walking St Cuthbert’s Way? St Cuthbert’s Way is an excellent walking route, allowing you to take in some gorgeous scenery in both Scotland and England. Along the way, you will enjoy a range of historical sites, allowing you to fully...

St Cuthbert's Way

Looking for Easter break ideas? Spend your time walking St Cuthbert’s Way! It’s a route that covers the south of Scotland and the north of England, the perfect way to explore new parts of the UK. When it comes to walking holidays, EasyWays are always...

Peebles Beltane Festival 14-20 June!

Peebles is a great area for hiking trails in Scotland. The area is teaming with walking routes and trails, so you are sure to find something to suit all ages and abilities. With many hiking trails in Scotland it can be hard to choose the best on for you, especially...